divendres, 17 de juny del 2011

frases comparatives i menú (Anglès)

My hotel: ****                                                               Taleon imperial hotel:*****
-There are some differences in the price. For example:
1.Taleon imperial hotel is more expensive than my hotel.
2.My hotel has less stars than the Taleon imperial Hotel. My hotel has four stars and the other has got fiv stars.
3.The biggest diference is that in my hotel there is a kitchen and for that It isn't very expensive.
4.My hotel is in Mosjivsjy distrikt, this hotel isn't in the citi center but there are some monuments, the other is in the city center.
5.Taleon hotel has some comodities that We don't need, fore example; a jacuzzi, a swimming pool, a SPA, sauna and parkins, etc.


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